The Great Loss of American Agricultural Communities

photo credit: Adam Arthur I just finished reading Wendell Berry’s fiction novel Hannah Coulter. (Warning, there will be spoilers in this post). It was the first piece of fiction that I’ve read (other than books to my children) since I graduated with a degree in Literature more than 11 years ago. I cannot believe it has … Read more

Michigan: Hog Farmers to Lose their Property & Right to Raise Diverse Animals

As a hog farmer (who appreciates heritage breeds and pigs who forage), I am concerned about this Michigan ruling. Here are some of the pigs we raised last summer. They are part-hertitage breed. We plan to eventually raise all heritage breed pigs (for natural foraging abilities, better quality meat, better bacon, better lard, etc.), and … Read more

Support Farms, Not Factories

{photo credit} I’m not opposed to all factories, or even the overall concept of factories–they have their place. I believe that food, however, should not be a factory product. When industrialization and capitalism and food meet, the end result is not pretty. Because the problem is, industrialization and capitalism are also so closely connected to … Read more