Support Farms, Not Factories

{photo credit} I’m not opposed to all factories, or even the overall concept of factories–they have their place. I believe that food, however, should not be a factory product. When industrialization and capitalism and food meet, the end result is not pretty. Because the problem is, industrialization and capitalism are also so closely connected to … Read more

Our nutrition history

We’re on the GAPS diet, which is a big jump for a lot of people! We didn’t start here. My husband grew up on a lot of packaged and boxed, processed foods. I grew up on a lot of homemade dinners, but SAD ones (Standard American Diet, including Rice A Roni, Cream of Mushroom Soup … Read more

A little bit of sugar is ok, right?

We’re not allowing our kids to have sugar on Easter. We’re terrible parents, aren’t we? šŸ˜‰ I will make honey chocolates, and they won’t miss a thing. My kids don’t complain about not having sugar. They do not lack good food, that is for sure!

We have lots of reasons we’re not allowing sugar this Easter. Every one of us is healthier without it. I’ve read a lot about sugar, too. Did you know that in a correctional facility for aggressive juveniles, there was a 44% decrease in aggression and anti-social behaviors just by decreasing the amount of sugar that they ate?? That is phenomenal.