Money and Possessions don’t feed you

I started the year with a goal of reading 1 new book every week. Ha! It’s taken me two months to get through The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck. Not that it’s really a difficult book, I’ve just been busy. It is long, but not difficult. It is enjoyable, for the most part (through part of … Read more

The Life We Choose

Two weeks ago we went to Disneyland. We spent 3 days there and we loved it. Last week my husband went to California again, for work. He does not have to travel often (thankfully!), but sometimes he has to. This time it was for THREE DAYS. Yikes. We missed him! While in California, this time, … Read more

Me vs. We

A friend recently explained to me the "me vs. we" mentality when it comes to buying our food. I have to admit, I’ve had a lot of the "me" mentality going on. Here’s the difference:   ME I want what I want, when I want it I want to get everything at the cheapest price … Read more

Food and Grace

I’m not talking about praying at the dinner table. 🙂 Today we had our homeschool co-op, and I learned that two of my boys were “teaching” the other kids that their snacks were unhealthy, and that donuts are full of chemicals (I told them about the Krispy Kreme Deconstructed article that I had read), and that if everyone just ate like us, they’d be healthy….

I had a talk with my boys about GRACE when we got home, and about judgement. And about not telling people “you’re wrong for doing such and such” because people don’t usually learn or make life-changes that way, and it just simply isn’t polite. Farm Boy 1 said “I just want everyone to be healthy.” For him, I think it’s a matter of compassion–he wants to fix every problem in the world. He thinks by telling people the problem, they’ll automatically want to jump on board and fix it and everyone will have a good, healthy life. Farm Boy 2 wants to make sure everyone knows the RIGHT way to do things. He’s got a bold personality and he’s not afraid to tell people what he thinks is right and wrong. I’m thankful for his strong stance against the many wrong things in this world, but he needs to learn to temper his boldness with some grace.

1 Timothy 4 and Abstaining from Foods

This morning, I happened to read in 1 Timothy 4. (Note, I read from this 3 year Bible reading plan. 1 year plans are too much for my daily attention span. 😉 This, I can actually read, process and retain throughout the day.) I have had 1 Timothy 4 quoted to me as Scripture that supposedly would say I am wrong to abstain from particular foods.