Leftover Chicken & Egg Salad
I have been blessed with a husband who adores a good salad…amazing-I know! =) He will thankfully eat a plain salad, but the more goodness I add in the happier man I find inhaling a salad faster than I can make it! This salad I whipped up for him with some leftover chicken (I had baked it in the oven with some salt, cayenne pepper and basil). As I was hoping to make it a large salad to keep him full for awhile, I decided to add some hard boiled eggs and topped it off with some soaked and sprouted sunflower seeds. He loved it! (In case you like to…
Grain Free Cheese Souffle
If you’re looking for a quick solution to dinner, and you don’t have any meat defrosted, try this yummy meal! Serve it with a salad or a side of veggies, and you’re set! Or, make it for breakfast–or lunch–or brunch! It’s yummy! Try different kinds of cheeses for fun! Enjoy! 🙂 Cheese Souffle Ingredients: 1/4 c butter, room temperature (for greasing the pans) 1/4 c grated parmesan cheese 1/4 c butter 2 TB coconut flour 1 tsp dry mustard powder 1 tsp garlic powder salt 1 can coconut milk 6 large egg yolks from pastured hens 11/2 c cheddar cheese, grated 6 egg whites from pastured hens Method: Grease 2…
GAPS Legal Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Tomato Soup!
If you attended public school and ate in the cafeteria (or if your mother made this when you were young), you might just miss grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Well, we're strict GAPS/SCD eaters around here, and yet, we were able to eat this meal tonight! Want my secrets? Ok, I'll share! :)
GAPS and SCD Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes!
You've got your Thanksgiving plan. But what are you going to do with all of that leftover turkey? Here's the solution! GAPS and SCD legal Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes! Did you think you couldn't have gourmet turkey sandwiches on your diet? :) Did you think you couldn't make amazing soups? Check out my new book!