
  • Farms,  Homekeeping,  Stewardship

    The Pros and Cons of Tiny Houses

    photo credit  Over the last several months, I have been searching local sale sites for an RV for our family–not to live in full time, but for regular camping trips and an easy “head out of town” for the weekend option (and to reduce our hotel costs, as we now have a family of 7, and vacationing is pretty expensive for us). As I’ve been searching for RVs, I’ve come across several “Tiny Homes,” and the whole subject has sparked my interest. My first question was, why would people buy or build a tiny home rather than purchasing an RV? After all, isn’t tiny-house living and full-time RVing pretty much the same…

  • Farms,  Stewardship

    From Farm to Neighborhood: A Different Kind of Life

    photo credit We sold our farm in February, and moved to an apartment for 2 months. In April, we moved into our home, in a neighborhood, on a 1/4 acre lot. Last weekend someone asked us what the biggest difference was between living on a farm and living in a neighborhood. Can I just share a few with all of you? Food Scraps On the farm, all of our food scraps went to the animals, and even chicken bones got buried in a big compost pile. In a neighborhood house, we have a garbage disposal! It is way too easy to waste away all of those great food scraps into the sewer.…

  • Stewardship

    Green Washing with “Smart” Energy Programs

    Last weekend, we spent some time at the Oregon Convention Center. The picture above had us curious about the “Smart” Energy program that the HUGE, impressive convention center was using. I posted this picture on Facebook, and some of you shared links with me about the program. I did some reading, and this is what I found… The photo makes it look so beautiful. The cow (the teat-less dairy cow, mind you) is enjoying the blue sky (in Oregon-ha!). There’s an old-fashioned red barn in the background, but the cow isn’t kept inside. Somehow, this happy cow that apparently had a quadruple mastectomy, is living in its’ cow-ness, producing energy…