One of the biggest complaints that we heard when we were putting our children on GAPS was that it was a low carb diet, and that isn’t healthy for kids. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who don’t understand the diet and who really believe it is supposed to be a low carb one. Let me set the record straight.
I just made my family’s menu for the week. I am going to share with you 1 day of our menu, and the amount of carbs per person.
Eggs with raw cheddar cheese, mushrooms and onion 7 g
Yogurt with Honey and Bananas 53 g
Creamy Cauliflower Soup 9.5 g
Raisins 28.75 g
Spinach & Cheese Turkey Burgers 4.8 g
Apple Cider Baked Beans 30.8 g
Herbal Tea with Honey 34 g
2 Dates 36 g
Total = 203.85 grams of carbs per person, per day
And Farm Boy 1 will have between 30 and 60 more grams than this, depending on how much of his special drinks he takes in (because we want him to gain weight). This will total 233.85 to 263.85 grams of carbs for him.
And if we had any on hand, we would add sauerkraut to the list above, which would add about 6 more grams of carbs.
Hi Brenda, This seems to be the hot topic of the moment, isn’t it? I’ve been reading a lot of comments of people who believe they did not do well on Gaps because it was too low carb for them. I totally agree with you that Gaps is not by definition LOW carb. It’s a Specific carb diet, but not necessarily low carb. Dr. Natasha repeatedly writes about how people should listen to their own bodies and how the amount of protein, fat and carbs that any given person needs depends on many factors, even the season. Having said that, I do find it challenging to keep the carbs up on Gaps when Candida is an issue. Candida means no honey, no fruits and, for some people, even no squashes. Now, that’s a challenge.
You put a comment in here on metabolic typing, and I just want to express my opinion, if you care to hear it, not that I’m an expert, but just an observation. The metabolic typing hypothesis is that our metabolisms are different because we have evolved and adapted differently, depending on where our ancestors lived, which also determines our blood type as well. I don’t believe in evolutionary nonesense, at least as far as humans are concerned, so I feel the logic is faulty for starters, but I wonder if it isn’t more of a matter of gut-bacteria that has been passed down, that makes some things more digestible to some, and less to others.
BTW Atkins does not equal the whole world of low carbing!! The I think the majority of low carbers do not follow Atkins now for precisely the reasons you stated. We eat more Paleo which is fine for GAPS. But eternal thanks to Dr Atkins for opening the world’s mind to low carb and everything that’s wrong with the SAD.