Just a quick introduction…


{My family at the *chilly!* beach this summer}

Hey Everyone! In case you didn’t get to see the video we recently shared, I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself…


Brenda is a dear friend of mine and recently asked me to join her in the adventure of sharing our lives here at The Well Fed Homestead. I am really excited to give you all a peek into what life looks like for my family as we strive to live healthier each day. I have to admit I am a bit nervous too…goodness-I feel at times that I have so much to learn, but I am hoping you can share your insight and knowledge with me as we travel this path together. I’m sure you would like to know a few details about me…quite a daunting task, but I know we will become the best of friends as you learn a little bit more about me in each of the coming posts. For now I hope this will do:

I am a 28 year old stay-at-home, home-schooling mama to five young kiddos ages 8 years to 7 months. I have been married to my wonderful husband Tim for just over 9 years. We live on a little bit of land (renting) and are just starting our first year with chickens! Who would have guessed our first pets would be chickens?!? Our days are busy, sometimes a bit crazy but always full of laughter!

I didn’t start out as someone who was passionate about real food and health, in fact…I was a coupon queen! I loved to see how low I could get our food budget to go. Over time my health became really bad. I already had lifelong thyroid problems but then to top it off with a few babies right in a row along with the cheap food made my body freak out. It got to the point that my condition was life threatening and I was ready for change.

Nearly three years ago we drastically changed the way we ate. Everything in our cupboards and fridge was thrown out and in one shopping trip we changed it all to organic, whole foods. We have been amazed at the change that began to take place in my body and also in our extremely active son (who we now know is Active Alert). It was then that we started learning more and more as how to help our family by using food to heal.
It has been a long process and at times we have done better than others (let’s just say that I loved Twix candy bars this last pregnancy!), but are now starting a new level of our healing by starting GAPS. I had been thinking about starting GAPS ever since I heard Brenda explain it to me about a year and a half ago. At that time it seemed like something that would be too hard for me to try to do, so I put the thought in the back burner of my mind. Over time I saw how GAPS was helping Brenda in the ways our family needed to heal (as we have similar health issues). After a lot of prayer we decided to start preparing this last spring for our family to start GAPS.
Right now we are in our eighth week of the Introduction to GAPS and we are slowly moving on to the Full GAPS program. As you can see we are very new to all of this! It is my hope that you will enjoy this journey alongside my family through all our ups and downs. Sharing where we are being healed and what has been difficult for us.
In addition to hearing about GAPS, I’ll be sharing bits of our family life as well as some food photography to make your mouth water over the brilliant recipes that Brenda comes up with! (She is brilliant, isn’t she?!?)
Feel free to ask questions and share your knowledge. It is my desire that we help each other grow in our knowledge of health and all come to a place of living…not suffering through sickness and poor health.
I really am looking forward to getting to know all of you who stop by and I can’t wait to “meet” you!
This post was shared at Kelly The Kitchen Cop’s Real Food Wednesday! Link over to check it out!

5 thoughts on “Just a quick introduction…”

  1. Alicia-so glad to meet you too! I’m glad to know that I’m not the only gal who went crazy over coupons and now is eating real food! Please share what you have learned too-I love learning from others!

  2. Kudos to you on sharing your story and making such dramatic changes! I love that you have seen such positive effects from them. 🙂 Sadly, I really don’t think there are any healthy coupon queens. Yippee for chickens, real food, etc.!


  3. Oh dear, all three links of “Other posts we think you might enjoy” at the bottom of this article are broken. 🙁
    And yes, I am interested in them! 🙂
    I will attempt to find them via other routes.


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