Real Food Pumpkin Spice Steamer for Two

pumpkin spice steamer


Don’t forget that we’re giving away some shredded coconut! It’s easy to enter, and there are hardly any entrees so far! Also, if you’re trying to figure out what to make for Christmas, don’t worry, just check out A Whole Food Holiday for all of my yummy holiday recipes!

Now, for a simple but delicious treat! The Farmer and I enjoy having some kind of “treat” after the kids go to bed. Last night I came up with this easy, amazing drink! It’s the time of year when we crave all things pumpkin, spicy and warm. The coffee shop that starts with an “S” can be such a temptation when it’s cold outside, even though you can’t find any REAL FOOD drinks there. Don’t give in to temptation and stop on your way home–just keep on driving, and when you get home, whip this drink together in 5 minutes flat!


Real Food Pumpkin Spice Steamer for Two

1 1/2 c raw cow’s milk (or whatever milk you enjoy)

2 TB   pumpkin puree (no imitation, “flavored” syrups here, use the real stuff!)

2 TB   raw honey

1/2 TB   vanilla extract

1/2 tsp   cinnamon

pinch  cloves

pinch  nutmeg


Whisk everything together in a small pot over medium heat until the mixture is warm. Optional: use an immersion blender at the very end, to make sure that the spices are nicely incorporated. YUM!



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