GAPS Legal Chocolate Honey Cake

GAPS Legal Cake!

We got 20 eggs today (WOO HOO!), so I figured I had enough to bake a CAKE! 🙂

This is yummy, but if you’re a chocoholic, stay tuned for when I perfect the flourless chocolate cake I’m working on (it’s even MORE chocolatey). This is like a regular chocolate cake–not quite as rich or chocolatey as a flourless cake or a truffle or brownies. Ya know what I mean? 🙂 But it’s easy, and yummy, and it isn’t too rich for guests who aren’t chocolate-crazy like normal people me. 🙂

My Holiday Cookbook is Here!


This took me hours, but it’s worth it!! I have been practicing recipes that are GAPS and SCD legal, grain free, starch free, and sugar free that will work for the holidays. I

I’ve created, tested, and tweaked 48 different holiday recipes that are healthy and yummy!!!