GAPS Legal Pumpkin Pie!
Since I just shared about a good deal on organic canned pumpkin, now I want to share a good recipe to go with it!
Since I just shared about a good deal on organic canned pumpkin, now I want to share a good recipe to go with it!
I have stocked up on everything we need for 3 months, so I wanted to share what we have on hand. If you’re just starting out with GAPS and wondering what kinds of food to keep in your pantry/fridge/freezer, this list just might help you!
I always post about when we “cheat” on the diet, but well, I just want to share because this diet is so amazing and we feel good so much of the time–so the times we don’t feel good really stand out.
We got 20 eggs today (WOO HOO!), so I figured I had enough to bake a CAKE! 🙂
This is yummy, but if you’re a chocoholic, stay tuned for when I perfect the flourless chocolate cake I’m working on (it’s even MORE chocolatey). This is like a regular chocolate cake–not quite as rich or chocolatey as a flourless cake or a truffle or brownies. Ya know what I mean? 🙂 But it’s easy, and yummy, and it isn’t too rich for guests who aren’t chocolate-crazy like normal people me. 🙂
Tonight I made up the yummiest treat ever. It’s totally healthy, GAPS legal, and super easy!
Apple banana yummy goodness on top of yogurt.
This took me hours, but it’s worth it!! I have been practicing recipes that are GAPS and SCD legal, grain free, starch free, and sugar free that will work for the holidays. I
I’ve created, tested, and tweaked 48 different holiday recipes that are healthy and yummy!!!
This time of year our house often smells better than any Yankee Candle scent I’ve ever smelled! Why? We’ve got slow cooker applesauce creating wonderful aromas in our home!!
GAPS and SCD Legal Recipes. What do you make for dinner when you’re on the GAPS Diet?
YUM! If you need the flavors of FALL and you want it now, go make this GAPS and SCD Legal Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Bar recipe!!