Who decided THIS was food?

We went to our library’s story time yesterday, mainly for Farm Princess. When Farm Boys were younger, we’d often go hear the stories, and do the little craft. Yesterday’s craft was based on the letter N–they were all going to make Necklaces, with these:

 fruit loops

What a tough craft for kids on the GAPS Diet! My kids did amazing there. Nobody fussed about not being able to munch on them (all of the other kids were). They just made their necklaces. The smell was even tempting for me though. I remember my dorm days, when I always had Fruit Loops or Trix and a case of Snapple in my room (I never liked Trix when they changed them from the balls to the fruit shaped things–they just weren’t the same—just had to say that ;)). So I liked this "food" and I would probably like it again, if I allowed myself to eat it. I’d be sick, but I’d like the flavor. 😉

The thing is–who decided to call this food? It’s not food. It doesn’t even remotely resemble any kind of real food. When I step back and look at it (1 year off of packaged junk), I wonder, who in their right mind would feed this to their children? Really. This is junk. Garbage. I won’t even feed this to my pigs! I digress…


Here is my Farm Princess, just happy to make a necklace, not caring about the smell of fruitiness right below her nose! 

fruit loops


Farm Boy 1, 9 years old, but not above preschool crafts. He said he didn’t eat any because he knew he wouldn’t grow if he did. Smart boy.

fruit loops

Farm Boy 3, also a trooper. He just made a necklace without complaints.

fruit loops

Farm Boy 2: no complaints at the library, but he failed a breath test once we got home and lost his necklace to the garbage. 🙁 This is what I think of these things: not even worthy of the compost pile. They go where few things from our house end up (because we don’t buy packaged foods & don’t have much packaging)–in the garbage with the pull ups and saran wrap.

fruit loops

Farm Boy 2 had a good heart talk after that with both mom and dad, about how he disrespected our rules by eating 3 Fruit Loops, and about how he’s going to stand up to temptations to things he knows he shouldn’t do (This was 3 Fruit Loops. Bigger temptations WILL come up in his lifetime. How will he handle the pressure?).

All in all, I was pleased with how my kids did. Zero whining at the library. It was a fun little craft, but the "beads" they used were just as nutrient dense as the plastic beads I put in Farm Princess’ hair, in my opinion. 🙂 🙂 🙂


This is linked up at Real Food Wednesday

12 thoughts on “Who decided THIS was food?”

  1. I just have to say, I am in love with your blog. I read it religiously, because I like reading about how you communicate with your children. I liked what you said about the one who ate three Fruit Loops, and that it was the standing up to temptation that was the main issue. You’re right, bigger things will come along. I just love hearing you love your kids. Keep it up momma!

  2. My kids aren’t on the GAPS diet, but I do like them to eat real food. Every Sunday, my kids come home from church telling me about the candy, doughnuts, and cupcakes they had in their one hour Sunday school. I’m not sure what to do, because I want them in Sunday school. And since we homeschool, it’s practically the only hour they’re away from me all week. Do you think if you weren’t right there with your kids, they would have gone ahead and eaten the fruit loops? I just think it’s sad that people think it’s a good thing to feed other people’s kids junk.
    Anyway, I’m glad I found your blog. I started the GAPS diet for myself 4 months ago. I feel so much better already.

    • Sarah, this is a tough one! It took a while for my kids to stop begging for the sugary stuff. I think it helped that we did gluten free for a year pre-GAPS–it eased them into the idea that they couldn’t eat just anything they were given. I think the more GOOD food they eat, the less appetizing the junk is. Donuts used to tempt me when we were gluten free. Walking past them in the grocery store was hard–I just wanted to buy one. Now that we eat no sugar (etc.), they just look gross to me! I don’t want to touch them.
      I think my kids would have stayed away from donuts if I wasn’t there. Even Farm Boy 2, his conscience is strong. He thought 3 tiny Fruit Loops wasn’t a big deal, but he wouldn’t have eaten a whole donut–I’m pretty sure. 😉
      I’m so glad you’re feeling better on GAPS! Keep up the good work! It’s WORTH IT! 🙂

  3. I couldn’t agree with you more. I too think that stuff like that shouldn’t even be used as compost or animal feed. I won’t feed my chickens anything that I wouldn’t feed my kids. And I certainly wouldn’t feed the kids this stuff. I would be scared they would love it like I did when I was a kid. Fruit Loops, Captain Crunch, oriental style instant noodle soup and Alphagetti were my favorites. Gross! Absolutely ZERO nutrition in there! Honestly I am glad have a house full of celiacs since that stuff is not an option – ever.

  4. I couldn’t agree more! I have had several items that I needed to throw away, but wouldn’t have dreamed of feeding them our animals or even throwing them in the compost pile- crazy what “industrial food” expects us to eat, huh? 🙂

    Great post!

  5. My daughter has a rare immune system condition that wont allow her to even TOUCH this non-food (FPIES). How many generations until we all have similar condition in our home thanks to these non-foods doing their damage? Thanks for continuing to educate Brenda! It is one of the major ways we can turn things around!

  6. it saddens me that my children, now 9 and 8, feel cheated and frustrated because they can’t “participate” in so many snacks and activities where garbage is served. SOOO frustrating! Any advice?


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